Category Archives: Java

Configuration Net Beans

Net Beans Tutorials:


How to setup NetBeans as a C++ programming IDE

Recently I discovered NetBeans as a free IDE solution for my open source programming needs. Although I rather stick with Visual Studio which is a soberb tool and programming environment, there’s case where it can’t be used like when I’m programming in PHP or I want to use ANSI C++ through Cygwin environment.

Here I will teach how to setup Netbeans for C++ use and in the next post, for PHP.

It’s pretty simple, so let’s get started;

  1. We’re already half way through (I told you it was simple), now we have to download and install the Cygwin programming environment. Head and click on “Install or update now” (picture below, marked in red)
  2. cygwin page

  3. Now, run the setup.exe, select the download location and hit next, it will show the package selection screen. You’ll have to select at least the following (click on “skip” to select):�
    * gcc-core: C compiler
    * gcc-g++: C++ compiler
    * gdb: The GNU Debugger
    * make: the GNU version of the ‘make’ utility.
  4. Any necessary package is selected automatically when you select the ones above.
  5. Click install and wait (it may take several minutes depending on your internet connection)
  6. Finished the installation, you have to add the Cygwin Bin folder to Windows Path environment variable. Open Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Settings… Select “Path” on the System Variables listing and click “Edit…” (picture below)
    windows path settings
  7. Add the Bin folder of your Cygwin installation (usually “C:\Cygwin\Bin”).  Click Ok to close the dialog.
  8. Now run NetBeans, create a new Sample Project (select the Welcome Project) and try to run it. Afterwards, put the cursor on any code line go to Debug -> Toggle Line Breakpoint and hit Ctrl + F5 to start debug. It should stop on that breakpoint.
    netbeans cpp
  9. If everything went fine you should now be able to program in C++ usingNetBeans.


Net Beans

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Release Information:

The NetBeans IDE is an award-winning Integrated Development Environment available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris. The NetBeans project consists of an open-source IDE and an application platform which enable developers to rapidly create web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications using the Java platform, as well as PHP, JavaScript and Ajax, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Groovy, and C/C++. It is supported by a vibrant developer community and offers a diverse selection of third-party plugins.

Release Overview :

In addition to full support of all Java platforms (Java SE, Java EE, Java ME, and JavaFX), the NetBeans IDE 6.5 is the ideal tool for software development with PHP, Ajax and JavaScript, Groovy and Grails, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and C/C++. The 6.5 release provides enhanced support for web frameworks (Hibernate, Spring, JSF, JPA), the GlassFish application server, and databases. Additionally it includes a new IDE-wide QuickSearch shortcut, a more user-friendly interface, and automatic Compile on Save.

Feature Highlights


* PHP Editor (Code completion, syntactic and semantic code highlighting)
* Support for heredoc notation and PHTML
* Debugging using Xdebug
* Generators for MySQL database code snippets

PHP Code Completion

JavaScript and Ajax :

* JavaScript Debugging on FireFox & Internet Explorer
* HTTP transaction monitoring
* Improved JavaScript and CSS Editor
* JavaScript Library Manager incl Yahoo UI, Woodstock, jQuery, Dojo, Scriptaculous, Prototype libraries

JavaScript quickfixes popup in the editor

Java EE & Web Development

* Enhanced support for Spring, Hibernate, JSF, JSF CRUD generator, JPA (Java Persistence API)
* Create RESTful web services from database tables or from JPA entities
* Drag and drop SaaS services into PHP files
* SQL Editor Improvements (code completion, save/recall queries, and more)
* Improved Eclipse project import and synchronization for Java Web projects
* Automatic Deploy on Save

web application persistence

JavaFX :

* Create, test, debug, profile, and deploy JavaFX projects
* JavaFX editor with syntax highlighting, source navigation, code completion, code folding, javadoc pop-ups, and error detection.
* Live preview of visual elements
* Code snippet palette for transformations, effects and animations

javafx video cube

Groovy and Grails :

* Develop pure Groovy apps or use Groovy in Java SE projects
* Groovy editor with code completion, highlighting, and more
* Grails web application framework
* Open existing Grails applications without adding metadata

Groovy code editor:

Ruby and Rails :

* New Test Runner interface for displaying test results
* Rake improvements: Rake Runner and a pre-generated Rake file
* Debugger: Conditional breakpoints and catchpoints
* Ruby projects accept JVM options from command line

Ruby code editor :

GlassFish v3 Prelude for Web Development

* Modular, OSGi based architecture
* Small footprint, fast startup and deployment
* Support for scripting, including JRuby

glassfish app server


* Improved code completion, error highlighting, and semantic highlighting
* Call graph, Memory window
* Remote development
* Packaging of application as tar files, zip files, or SVR4 packages

Call graph

Java ME :

* New project wizard for adding custom components to the Visual Designer Palette
* New SVG UI components in the enhanced SVG Composer enable rich UI design
* New Data Binding Custom Components in the Visual Designer Palette
* Upgraded obfuscation tool to ProGuard 4.2 and test framework to JMUnit 1.1.0

Java ME SVG palette

Java Debugger

* New multi-threaded debugging with improved UI and work-flow
* Smart Step Into with method selection right inside expression
* Deadlock detection with visual indication

swing treemodel view editor

Java SE:

* Automatic Compile on Save
* Improved Eclipse project import and synchronization
* Java Call Hierarchy
* Analyze Javadoc
* Swing GUI Builder can generate simple or fully qualified class names

swing treemodel view editor

IDE Tools and Usability :

* CamelCase code completion
* Customize formatting settings per project
* One IDE-wide QuickSearch shortcut for files/symbols/types, IDE actions, options, and docs
* Support for Windows UNC paths (shared network folders)

NetBeans 6.9 Installer for Windows/English (en)
netbeans-6.9-ml-windows.exe (309.3 MB)
MD5: 0693ae26a9b3ad0aa1386ea47534643e




Note: Just copy above URL and paste on your Browser Address bar.